West Boise 208-375-2225
West Boise 208-375-2225

Happy New Year!  May we all have a healthy and joyful 2015. 

I would like to say a little something about New Years resolutions.  I personally am not a fan.  I think it is something that can just set us up for failure.  If you are the personality type that needs to set a goal for motivation and use that to push yourself, then you need to do what works for you.  I just know from past experience with myself and with many of my patients, there are goals that can't be met for some reason or another.  If your goals are too lofty or unrealistic, then setting them as a resolution is just setting you up to fail. 

Lets break things down a bit further.  If you are the personality type that has set these goals in the past and has been successful with some form of behavioral modification, then good for you.  Be proud.  But I will go out on a limb and say that you didn't fall into the same trap that the majority of people do. 

The first key to being successful at this is to be specific.  Don't just throw it out to the universe that you "want to loose weight this year".  Instead, make goals with values and timelines.  "I will lose 10 pounds by July 4th weekend" has a more positive spin, a goal and a deadline attached.

The next step is to write it down.  People are more committed to task if they put it in ink.  I think it is even better if you put it on a calendar that you have to see every day.  Make a countdown from the event you are shooting for and work backwards.  That forces you to look at it and hold yourself accountable.

I think that a great resolution would be to do 15 minutes of exercise 5 times per week.  Then break it down from there.  I will do the stationary bike for 15 minutes on Monday and Thursday.  I will do strength training Tuesday and Friday.  I will do yoga for 15 minutes on Saturday.  A simple routine like this will help build more energy, improve your mental clarity and reduce your risk for major diseases.  That sounds like a good plan to me.  By the way, the odds are pretty good that you will drop some of that extra weight too.

I know that everyone is different.  We are all motivated by something.  If that something is in the form of New Years resolution and that has worked in the past, then go for it.  Be specific with your goal and write it down so you are accountable for it.  I wish you all the luck in the world.  On the other hand if you have a history of making these resolutions every year only to fail by February, maybe it is time to rethink the idea of resolutions.  If you need to quit smoking, then set a plan, get support and make it happen for the sake of you and your loved ones.  Who cares what day the calendar says it is.

Feel free to drop a note below on New Years resolutions.  Things you have tried and knocked out of the park or even ones that you struck out on.  Lets get the conversation going.

Dr. Steve



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