West Boise 208-375-2225
West Boise 208-375-2225


With the advance of technology, work for many has taken a shift from the physically labor intensive days of the past. And while helpful for work, these tools result in little physical activity during the majority of the day. Increased inactivity is the fourth largest killer of adults, and Boise Chiropractors have long known that sitting is the new smoking. So what’s an office worker to do? Thankfully, increasing your physical activity throughout the day is entirely possible with a little forethought, a bit of effort and the occasional chiropractic care .

Take An Honest Self Assessment

Sitting for hours on end day in and day out is bad for anyone, but it’s important to know where you individually stand. Research recommends taking 10,000 steps a day. Using a pedometer (most phones contain them) will give you a good baseline to know how to improve. While 10,000 steps may seem like a lot, they add up fast. Taking advantage of small opportunities to walk will quickly boost your step count.

Find Positive Motivation

Increasing your motivation to be active can seem like a begrudging uphill climb, but that attitude will only make hard work harder! Physical activity needs to be a positive experience and a celebration of success. Find a way to enjoy what you are doing.    

Workout In The Mornings

I know, getting up early to hit the gym is the last thing you want to do, but I promise as a top Idaho Chiropractor that it’s worth it. Working out in the morning is a great start to your day, especially if much of that day involves sitting. Exercise increases mood and energy, provides back relief where needed, and will make you more likely to be active and healthy for the rest of the day.

Introduce Cardio Into Your Daily Routine

Increasing cardio really does just take putting one foot in front of the other. Little things go a long way in building up those steps. Take the stairs, walk instead of calling or e-mailing, go for walk meetings or a lunch walk, or add exercise to your commute by biking, walking, or parking at the far end of the parking lot. With a little creativity dozens of opportunities to increase your cardio present themselves throughout the day.

Don’t Just Sit There

When you are working, avoid sitting in one spot for too long. Get up and move once an hour. Frequent small breaks created by regular movement keep your brain sharp and rested and your body healthy. At your desk keep yourself as active as possible. Change positions from time to time if sitting. try working at a standing desk, or switching your chair for a medicine ball to engage your core. At the very least, listen to your back doctor and sit with good posture throughout the day. Even if all you can do is maintain good posture, it is well worth it for your health.

Be Social

Get your coworkers, friends or family to participate and keep each other motivated.  Start an office or group sport or embrace your inner athlete and make it a competition.

Focus on Long Term Success

As you make changes toward more healthy office habits, remember that everything counts! Whatever you decide to implement, no matter how small, it is more than you were doing before. As you keep up consistency and work toward a long term goal of health, and visit your chiropractor in Boise, you will see the benefits of your efforts and be encouraged to continue on.   



West Boise Office Hours


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm





West Boise Office Hours

9:00 am - 6:00 pm
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm